Saturday, December 12, 2009

Protect What You Already Own

I have been one of the worst bloggers ever this year! My posts have been very sporadic and few and far between. I guess the condition of my blogging reflects the condition of my life right now. Disheartened and disappointed are two words that immediately come to mind. I keep thinking of an Amy Grant song that she wrote while going through her divorce:

I give you my heart broken and bruised
But still beating strong and wanting to trust you

etc. etc.

I will be faithful
Help me be strong
'Cause you will protect what you already own
You still protect what you already own

I am trusting God right now to protect what He already owns.

More to come later! Hopefully, I will do better! : )


Leah Adams said...


It is so hard to go through disappointing times and struggle and I know you have been through a heap of them this year. I am praying that 2010 will be better for you and that you will find the disappointment and struggle replaced with peace and joy and happiness.


Cindy said...

Sweet Becky,

I know that the past year has been a hard one. But something I have learned is that God redeems all that He allows.

I had never heard the Amy Grant song. I love the words " 'Cause you will protect what you already own."
What a comfort.

